日本盂蘭盆節 Bon Festival|7、8月
泰國 鬼臉節 Phi Ta Khon|6、7月
南韓 百中節 Baekjung|農曆 7 月
新加坡、馬來西亞 中元節 Hungry Ghost Festival|農曆7月
越南 盂蘭盆節 Vu-lan|農曆7月
印尼峇里島 趕鬼節 Ogoh-Ogoh|3月
這天村民會將事先製作好的 Ogoh-Ogoh 魔鬼像抬出遊行,象徵村莊已經有魔鬼佔領,以驅趕真正的妖魔鬼怪。遊行結束後再將 Ogoh Ogoh 像燒掉,象徵趕走厄運
並且注意自身安全 農曆七月也是平安月唷!
It’s Ghost Month!
Taiwan’s not the only country in the world with ghostly traditions.
Let’s look at some other countries and their beliefs!
Japan: Bon Festival (July-August)
During the festival, people honor their ancestors with a mix of Buddhist and Confucian traditions.
Cucumbers are made to resemble horses and eggplants to cows, so ancestors can ride them to and from the afterlife.
Thailand: Phi Ta Khon (June-July)
Revelers wear big scary masks and colorful clothes to dance in the streets and sing, seeking a good harvest and fortune from the spirits.
South Korea: Baekjung (7th Lunar Month)
Compared to Taiwan and Japan’s festivals, this one is more concerned about the harvest, making it more like Taiwan’s Mid-Autumn Festival.
Singapore & Malaysia: Hungry Ghost Festival (7th Lunar Month)
Ethnic Chinese in Singapore and Malaysia celebrate the Pudu Festival, just like we do in Taiwan. They have special performances to mark the occasion, but make sure you don’t sit in the first row of the audience, that’s reserved for the ghosts!
Vietnam: Vu-lan (7th Lunar Month)
The Ghost Festival (Vu-lan) is very important in Vietnam, similar to the Lunar New Year. Aside from respecting ancestors and appeasing ghosts, it’s also a time for families to get together. Offerings often include betel nut, because it represents love and affection there. During the festival, people will dress up as ghosts and try to grab offerings; the more they grab, the better their luck!
Bali, Indonesia: Ogoh-Ogoh (March)
In this festival, people will bring out ‘Ogoh-Ogoh’ statues and take them on parade, to show that their villagers are already home to ghosts and to keep real ghosts away. After the parade, the statues are burned to ward away bad luck.
No matter where you go, there are always ghost festivals!
Remember to respect the local culture and traditions!
And stay safe during the Ghost Month!